May 18, 2024
The Rules of Monopoly

If a rule was meant to be broken, then there is no need to have the rule. I mean, I understand that most rules are extremely flawed and set forth by people that do not fully understand the entire situation. Rules are their way of trying to extract some sort of control over the situation.

But well thought out rules that are based in logic and set forth because they are meant to protect people help me assimilate into a world that makes no sense. But the problem in most situations is that most “normal” people think that the rules are for “the other guy”. Most people feel that the rules are meant for the bad people.

There are unjust rules and laws in place. Stating that you are not following the rules because they are unjust is important. Changing unjust rules is important. Especially when the rules are arbitrarily applied. Once a rule is lazily applied, the rule becomes pointless and it becomes useless to me as an Autistic person trying to navigate my way through your system.

I have worked with machines my entire life. Machines follow a set of rules. Electronics make sense because there is a logical flow and there are rules that the machine follows. Fixing a machine is easy because you can find out what small component isn’t following the rule, and fix it or replace it. Audio and electrical are a lot more difficult because there are so many more variables, and that’s when my ADHD starts to interfere.

What Are the Rules of Humanoids?

But with humanoids, there are so many exceptions and allowances to breaking the rules, it becomes difficult to determine when I should be following the rules to get the job done right, or when I should skip a few rules because the customer wants it the job done now.

The Rules of Monopoly
Everyone has an opinion about Free Parking.

The object of Monopoly is to buy up all the spots on the board and be the last person standing. The problem with Monopoly is that very few people actually know all the rules of the game, or they randomly have their own rules. Having your own rules is fine, as long as they are agreed upon at the start. Like relationships. If you enter a relationship and silently apply rules against your partner, that relationship is doomed to fail.